ज्योतिष एक ऐसा विज्ञान हैं जिसमें समय, ग्रह नछत्रों का व्यवस्थित अध्ययन किया जाता हैं.
Astrology is the main part of Vedas. Due to this only astrology is knows the eyes of Vedic Literature. The main objective of Vedas is to known about welcome and unwelcome Situation beforehand. Knowledge of welcome and unwelcome situations is the main study Of astrology. Astrology makes us aware in prior unwanted situation in future so that we should remain cautious and can find out the solution beforehand. Astrology science only which determine the wanted and unwanted situation on the basis of time and duration. Astrology science is the an important invention of India who’s importance is understood by the foreign countries also. With the help of astrology many things like happy and sad /Enjoy and Sorrow promotion and demotion, profit & loss can be known.
By the help of Astrology and Janam Kundali so many problems can be solved like Education, Marriage, Business, Job, Success full life in all aspects, Health, Wealth, Healthy Relationship, Love, Politics, Social, Court cases, Police cases, etc
ज्योतिष एक ऐसा विज्ञान है जो हमारे नकारात्मक मनोभावों को सकारात्मक मनोभावों में बदलता है
Vedic Astrology is based on all types of astrological calculations and astrological knowledge. The doors of success can be opened by birth journal (JANMPTRIKA). By astrological knowledge, the status of the birth time of the planets, the movement of the planets at presents the condition of the planets, the Mahadasha, the inner mood can be assessed by assessing the good and bad Times. Educational guidance, career advancement through Vedic astrology measures, Through the Vedic astrology measures, you can be an expert in educational guidance, career advancement, marriage problems, child yoga, best married life, planet Claes, professional and industrial architecture for the Mitesh Astro Foundation.
Deep astrology is based on all types of astrological calculations and astrological knowledge. The doors of success can be opened by birth journal. Through astrological knowledge, the status of the birth time of the planets, the movement of the planets at present, the condition of the planets, the Mahadasha, the inward atmosphere can be assessed by knowing the good and bad times. Marriage related problems, marriage magazine, matching yoga, child yoga, best married life, planet clause. You can get Vedic astrology remedy by contacting Mitesh Astro Foundation for problems such as academic guidance, career advancement, marriage related problems, marriage kundli Milan, child yoga, best married life, planet Claes and business and industrial architecture etc.
Horoscope/Janam Kundali
जन्मपत्रिका से खोले सफलता के द्वार और पाईये अपनी समस्याओं से छुटकारा
The word horoscope is made up of the Greek words 'hora' and 'scopos' which directly translates to "time" and "observer".
Astrology says that the position of cosmic objects at the time of a child's birth will shape various aspects of their life. There is a large number of different methods and philosophies used to understand astrology.
You need to know the exact time of your birth to be able to create an accurate astrology chart. Your zodiac and moon sign is determined by your birth date and the sun's and moon’s position when you're born. The rising sign is said to reflect your personality and determine the type of person you present yourself as in public. Your sun sign is said to determine your goals and ego, motivating you to work towards your dreams. Emotional habits and changes are represented by your moon sign.
Horoscopes use astrological dates to predict the future based on the behavior of a number of celestial objects at the time of the reading. Whether you're Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius or Scorpio, all horoscopes signs can have their future read. The horoscope facts below will have you wanting your own chart read immediately.
A horoscope is a document often used to perform astrological calculations. At the time of making/preparation of a horoscope, the date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, and name are asked. A birth chart is formed by combining these four components. The horoscope can also be called an astrology profile in a way because it can only be known from the horoscope of the type of planets of any person. A horoscope can be used to find out about the state of the planets of the person, mood and their yoga. It is also known from the horoscope whether the person is Manglik or not. Through horoscope accepted capability, ability and future of a person can be known.
Horoscope Matching Or Kundli (MILAN) Matching
As you know, a birth chart means the state of planets and their position. Each person has a different horoscope, according to their place of birth, time of birth, date of birth and birth name. Just as a birth chart is an astrology profile of a person, getting a horoscope means studying the profile of two people. By studying the horoscope is tried to find that out of 36 how many qualities (GUND) are matching. It is presumed that if 18 or more than 18 gunas are matching then the relation after marriage will be the best. At the time of kundali milan position of planets and stars are taken into the consideration to know how that couple will work in different areas like, coordination, creativity and progress of family (children), etc in future. If even after all the qualities are matching but both the persons are not able to coordinate with each other, then such kind of marriages advised.
Vastu Shastra
Home is a place that still makes you feel happy and soaks up a good sense of joy and health. People are still trying to imbue this house with tons of love and constructive energies and what is easier than structuring a home according to Vastu Shastra’s theory.
The name “Vastu” comes from the deity of Vastu or Vaastu Purush who is the deity of building design. Vastu Shastra sets out the mathematical principles of architecture according to the various ways in relation to the foundations of residential houses, plots and other architectural structures. Depending on the many measurements, a Vastu for house is calculated to have the optimal locations of different rooms in a residence.
Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of harmony and prosperous living by eliminating negative and enhancing positive energies around us. We, humans, spend most of their time inside a building be it our home, office or anything else. Vastu Shastra is an architectural science that focuses mainly on multiple directions of a living space incorporating the five elements of nature – land, water, fire, air and energy – to create a pleasant environment for the inhabitants of a place filled with harmony, stability, wealth and good health. Emerging from the Vedas, this philosophy relies on different sources of energy, such as solar energy from the earth, gravitational energy, cosmic energy, kinetic energy, light energy, magnetic energy and wind power. Vastu aims to eliminate negative and enhance positive energy present at a place or location so that a person, family or even business inhabiting a building become prosperous and progressive. We can say that, vastu aims to make harmonious buildings at places in tune with mother-nature, so that the human inhabiting the building, lives well balanced and happy life.
To make this better understand the phrase “vastu for home . Focus on each word of the phrase, namely, “vastu” and “home”. Let’s understand each word separately and then I will combine the words, so that the term “vastu for home” makes complete and perfect sense to you.
Vastu: As you are already aware that vastu is an ancient Indian science of enhancing positive and eliminating negative energies in and around a place or person. As it attract more positive energies are around you, the more abundance is attracted towards you.
Home: Now, a home is the place where a person or family “lives” and by lives I mean really live and not just stay.
Financial Benefits
The proper implementation of Vastu shastra for house will bring household financial stability and remove obstacles in the path of opportunity. People can experience financial dependence in their lives and a sense of monetary security.
Harmony at Home
Vastu adds a sense of harmony among Nature’s powerful energies such as sun, moon, light, wind, earth, thermal, magnetic, electrical, and cosmic. This equilibrium bestows a house owner with progress and everlasting wealth.
Promotes Success
The blessings of Vastu Purush will erase all obstacles in the path of opportunity and success and encourage the growth of the occupants of living space in their lives.
Removes Conflict
Following the vast tips for house, any Griha Kalesh among the family members will stave off. It makes the bonds between all the members strong and neutralizes the negative energies that make the relationship sour.
Talk to Mitesh Malviya
kundali patrikla
Mangala Dosha
Black magic
kundali patrikla
Mangala Dosha
kundali patrikla
Mangala Dosha
जन्मपत्रिका से खोले सफलता के द्वार और पाईये अपनी समस्याओं से छुटकारा
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Sneha, Indore
Astrologer Mitesh Malviya helped me in resolving my health and family issues. I got his reference through a family member. First time I met him on 23 July 2020 and he analysed my kundali and suggested me some remedies which were so simple that anybody can perform . These small remedies made big positive changes in my life. He also suggested me to wear gemstone . He also visited my home and made some minor changes as per vastu which positively changed my home environment. I personally feel that he posses some spiritual and healing power which helped me alot to come out from the problem. He is such a genuine and authentic astrologer. His knowledge is remarkable in the field of vastu and astrology.
Swathi, Bangalore
I'm Swathi from Bangalore and I had consulted with Mitesh Malviya ji. He is a brilliant astrologer. The prediction he gave to me in 2017 turned out to be unbelievably true. Like other astrologers he doesn't say only the good things. He reveals the truth about your horoscope and he also explains his observations. He is very pleasant and listens to your problems without any judgment. I recommended him to many of my friends and many are satisfied with his work.
Narendra Tiwari, Jabalpur
Astrologer Mitesh Malviya helped me in resolving my health and family Problem. I know him from last so many Years. First time when I discussed my financial situation and he analysed my kundali and suggested me some remedies which were so simple that anybody can perform . These small remedies made positive changes in my life. He also suggested me some gemstone for my children. He also visited my home and made some minor changes as per vastu which gives me positive changes in my financial situation. I personally feel that Mitesh posses some spiritual and healing power which helped me alot to come out from the problem and I He always ready to help me in all aspects related to my work, He is such a Great Astrologer.His knowledge is remarkable in the field of Astrology and Vastu.
Yusuf, Indore
I thank to Jyotish Acharya Mr. Mitesh Malviya for help me out to resolve my problems, because of his guidance I overcome from all my troubles and made my life more easier, his vision and detailed information about what's coming for me in future and how to take care of it is really like supernatural. He offered me a stone also to wear and it's bring lots of positive energy in my life. Now I'm more confident and positive. I suggest to visit him once if you want to make your life even better. Thank you once again.